Herbs - Jatamansi
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Traditional Ayurvedic Uses:
It is considered a holy or "divine" plant in ayurveda and has traditionally been used as an air purifier. Charaka's ayurvedic text recommends it highly for insomnia, mental instability and to enhance memory.
It is said to promote growth and maintain the color of hair.
Combinations are Best
The experts at Maharishi Ayurveda do not recommend the use of single herbs for self-care due to several important reasons:
Single herbs often have unwanted effects over time, which can be canceled by herbs in proper combination.
Herbs in combination are much more powerful.
Good formulas address all co-factors to a health goal for much greater effectiveness.
Expert combinations include herbs that increase assimilation and effective potency of the other ingredients.
Herbs have different effects according to dose, and when mixed with other herbs.
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