Friday, November 16, 2007

Change Part-I

Change - Part

By Robert Schuller

"Great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you desire." -Matthew 15:28
Istanbul, once called Constantinople, is a beautiful city. Over the centuries, it has always been one of the great cities of the world. When you enter the harbor by ship, as I did some years ago, it is an inspiring sight to see. You enter the Golden Horn and sail up the Sea of Marmara. From there you can catch the view of the sun reflected off the gold domes of the mosques that were originally built as great cathedrals. Many of them were built over 700 years ago and still stand today as glorious monuments to the people of faith. There was a time in the ancient days when insecure rulers of Constantinople wanted to make sure that they could keep the enemy out. They performed a remarkable feat. They created the largest and heaviest chain ever built by human beings. The links are about a foot and a half long and about two inches thick. This monstrous chain was built by hand and then draped across the harbor to keep foreign ships out of their territory. People still marvel at how they were able to maneuver something so bulky and heavy. As I listened to the story of that chain, I thought of the people who are drawing chains across the harbor of their minds, chains that keep out new thoughts and ideas. Chains keep us from being open to change. What chains are holding you back today from God's great plans for you?
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