Kailash Maharishi
- The Christian Hermit.
by J Ravikumar Stephen
In the summer of 1912, the Christian Sadhu Sunder Singh traveled through the snowy Himalayan regions alone and on foot, often refreshed by the beautiful scene through, which he passed, but more often fatigued to the last degree in his difficult and fruitless search for the holy men he hoped to meet there.As he trekked through the snowy terrain, on the summit of one of the mountains of the Kailash Range was a deserted Buddhist temple, and which was rarely visited by people. A few miles from this temple dwelt the great saint known as the Majority of Kailash, in a cave some 13,000 feet above the sea level. All this region is the Olympus of India, the seat of Hindu holy myths, and it is associated in Hindu sacred books with the names of great and devout souls of all times. In one cave, he found the skeleton of some nameless holy man who had died while meditating there. But Sadhu Sunder Singh continued his search for the holy man - rishi - he hoped to meet there.
Sadhu Sunder Singh would never forget the day when, struck with snow-blindness and almost wearied to death, he staggered drearily on over snowy and stony crags, not knowing whither, he went. Suddenly he lost his balance and fell.
While shivering out of chillness he heard a voice saying: "Eat the plant, what you find closer to your palm".
Sadhu Sunder Singh plucked some of the grass-like weed and ate. Immediately he felt heat getting generated in his body and slept.
When, he awoke-up, he had witnessed one of the greatest experiences of his life, to find himself lying outside a huge cave. The sight that met his eyes was so appalling that Sadhu Sunder Singh closed them and almost fainted. Little by little, he ventured to inspect the object before him, and then discovered that he was looking at a living human being, but he is very old and clothed with long hair as to appear at first glance like an animal. Sadhu Sunder Singh realized that thus, unexpectedly he had succeeded in his search after a holy man - rishi. As soon as he could command his voice, he spoke to the aged rishi. Recalled from his meditation, the rishi opened his eyes and, casting a piercing glance upon the Sadhu Sunder Singh, amazed him by saying, ‘Let us kneel and pray.’ Then followed a most earnest Christian prayer ending in the name of Jesus. This over, the rishi unrolled a ponderous copy of the Gospels in Greek and read some verses from the fifth chapter of Matthew.
Sadhu Sunder Singh heard from the rash’s own lips the account of his wonderful life.
The rishi claimed to be of very great age. The roll from which he had read, he explained, had come down to him from Francis Xavier, and the Sadhu Sunder Singh noticed that it was all written in Greek uncials, and may therefore prove to be of value to scholars should it come into their possession. The rishi told Sadhu Sunder Singh that he was born in Alexandria of a Mohammedan family, and was brought up to be a zealous follower of the Prophet. At the age of thirty, he renounced the world and entered a monastery in order to give himself up entirely to religion. However, the more he read the Quran and prayed, the unhappier he became. During these days of spiritual distress, he heard of a Christian saint who had gone over from India to preach in Alexandria, and from him he heard words of life that filled his hopeless soul with joy. This rishi now left the monastery to accompany his teacher in his missionary journeys. After some time spent thus, permission was given to the rishi to go on his own account to preach the gospel wherever God sent him. The rishi then started out on an evangelistic campaign that lasted a very long time.
The Sadhu Sunder Singh had long conversations with him about holy things, and heard many strange things from his lips. His astonishing visions as related to the Sadhu Sunder Singh would, if written down, read like another Book of Revelation, so strange and incomprehensible are they, and the Sadhu Sunder Singh himself warns readers and hearers of these visions that common interpretations can never disclose the meaning, since the rishi had to clothe his ideals in language that cannot be taken literally. The Sadhu Sunder Singh had visited the Maharishi three times.
One of the Newspapers that were published from North India said: "Our world less, selfless and godly brother Sadhu Sunder Singh has discovered the Christian hermit, the Maharishi at Kailash, who has for years been on the snowy Himalayas praying and interceding for the world. Sadhu Sunder Singh had revealed to the world the secret of one of the members of our mission the Maharishi at Kailash." When I was a small boy, I had read a book about this Kailash Maharishi; but now I don`t find this book in the bookshops. May be we have to pass on this story to our future generation through word of mouth. I am planning to post the Story of Kailash Maharishi as a pdf file in this Yahoo Group for any one to get access any time.
1 comment:
Thanks a lot brother.........
may god bless u.....
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