Unexpected Showers of Tenderness
By Robert H. Schuller
"I love the Lord, for He heard my voice; He heard my cry for mercy." - Psalm 116:1 (TNIV)
At the darkest time in life, and at the weariest moment of our existence, when it appears that God has forsake or forgotten us, when we cannot comprehend or see evidence of the goodness of God, He will come and bestow mercy and tenderness.
If, in your time of tragedy, you will cling with a childlike faith to God, He will visit you with a tender kiss of mercy.
I remember a day when I endured a weird assortment of irritations, conflicts, and tensions. I finally arrived home at five-thirty, went to my bedroom, tried in vain to relax, and prayed without any apparent relief.
Then suddenly God answered my prayer in a most remarkable way. My bedroom door opened. Slowly, cautiously, my little girl peeked through the opening of the doorway. Her big brown eyes appeared through the slot in the door and, judging that it was safe, she suddenly threw the door wide open, ran to the edge of the bed, and the next thing I knew her soft silky hair was flowing over my eyelids and caressing my lips.
Her soft cheek was on mine. She kissed and hugged me, then drew swiftly back as if she was expecting me to say, "What do you want?" And she said, "I just wanted to kiss you, because I love you, Daddy."
And abruptly she whirled out, skipping and running, and the door closed behind her. She was gone, but I found myself relaxed. I drew strength from this unexpected invasion of affection.
So God comes to us at the trying times in life with an unexpected shower of tenderness.
An unexpected shower of tenderness can soften even the hardest heart.
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My Father, thank You for hearing the silent sobs of my heart, and for knowing the unexpressed needs of my life that leave me very much in need of Your tender and loving touch. Your goodness surrounds me. I love you, Lord.
An unexpected shower of tenderness can soften even the hardest heart.
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My Father, thank You for hearing the silent sobs of my heart, and for knowing the unexpressed needs of my life that leave me very much in need of Your tender and loving touch. Your goodness surrounds me. I love you, Lord.